First 10 Questions

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most?

I'm looking forward to doing the course work because I like the creative aspect of it.

2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?

I would like to learn how to edit and make videos but also would like to know how to analyse movies and tv shows.

3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media (5-9)?

4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?
The last tv show I watched How I Met Your Mother 

5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience? Why would an audience like it?

think it appeals to an audience because it is a sitcom which is comforting to its audience and sitcoms are used to make people laugh therefore keeping viewer retention if they just watch one episode rather than the whole series.

6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)
My phone and tv

7) What device do you use most to access the media? 
My Phone

8) What is your average 'screen time' (or equivalent) on your phone each day. Is this about right, too little or too much? Why?

My average screen time is too much because I don't have a lot of things to do at home other than go on my phone.

9) Why was the casting of Jodie Whittaker a significant moment in the history of Doctor Who?

It was a significant because she was the first female doctor introduced in doctor who.

10) What aspects of this scene do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect. 

In the beginning of the clip there was sound effects that immerse the audience in the scene, the first doctor had a monologue which built up intrigue for who the next doctor could be and the ending is a cliffhanger which would make audiences excited for the next episode.

Extension question: What can you spot in Doctor Who that you will find in most television dramas? (E.g. characters, dramatic music etc.) These are called key conventions - list as many as you can think of. 

It is over dramatic like many others shows and at the end it says to be continued which is a common trope of television shows to get the audience to watch the next episodes.

Extension question 2: What would a Doctor Who fan ('Whovian') particularly enjoy about this scene?

I think they would enjoy the over dramatic speech the doctor says before regenerating and they would enjoy the introduction of a new character as it is like a new start which the consumers will find interesting and intriguing .In the start of the clip (0.16) a long shot is used to show that set is covered in high key lighting and has a prop of a large machine in the middle which emphasises the sci fi genre that the audience loves.


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